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 User Testimonials

The following page lists a tiny fraction of the many unsolicited testimonials we receive from our users almost every day (posted with the permission of the authors). The quotes are attributed with usernames.

Comments from some of our users:

  • This is without a doubt one of the best sites on the Web! I am having a geat time here, playing games with my friends who told me to register so we could play. Any questions and problems I've had have been answered by your support crew, immediately. Thanks for the fabulous site!!
    - Mandy

  • We are really enjoying your site, and we have met some really interesting people on this site. In fact, we have canceled our pay cable stations because all we do is play backgammon on GREAT SITE!!
    - Bear

  • You are about the BEST and MOST ORGANIZED site I have found. You are so thorough and have programmed just about anything one can think of into this! You must have some GREAT PROGRAMMERS! Also very pleased with the quick responses received from you. Many thanks.

  • Since playing on your site I've met heaps of nice people including Silver and Teani who started off playing accross the ocean and are now married and living together in the U.K. This site even has romance!!! Love u guys!!
    - giselle

  • I would heartily like to thank you for the wonderful vehicle you have created with I bought my 74 year old father a Web T.V. for Christmas solely to play chess on

    The chess is secondary-- the primary, and enormous, benefit we enjoy is being able to communicate practically everyday. I am in Connecticut and he is in Texas so our communication had been limited to a weekly phone call. has proven to be a far superior method of staying in touch. I thank you again and sincerely wish you the very best.
    - billbarnes

  • Any of you guys know of a withdrawal clinic i can check into? Your site is too damned addictive! Well done, people!
    - Listener

  • I have a friend who is disabled to work and doesn't get out very often. This site provides her with many friendships, intertainment, and good conversation with people from all walks of life that she would otherwise not be able to interact with. has literally kicked depression out the back door for my friend. Thanks to all the staff.
    - skibaby97

  • I just don't know how you guys do it. The more I play on your site, the better it gets! I don't know where your website design came from but every aspect of it is superb. Ease of use, etc. cannot be beat! You offer multitudes of game choices to satisfy all types of players. E-mail notification, time-outs, holidays, natural disasters, the 'ignore user' function, you guys cover every possible option. The brainstorming sessions that are required to set up and maintain a site like this certainly must be grueling, but you guys are great. I only wish you were trying to solve world peace or cure cancer, because I am sure you guys could do it!
    - elainem

  • I think that this site could be the reason for the World Wide Web's creation. It is absolutely flipping terrific. Cheers!
    - Ortux

  • I just wanted to thank you for having such an awesome site available to us. I have been playing at for the past year and have made fantastic friendships.

    This past weekend, I was able to meet one of my IYT buddies in person. I realize that this probably happens often, but ours was special. It was because she is from New York and I'm from Hawaii. She came to Hawaii and when we met it was fabulous. We had a blast. If it weren't for you guys, we wouldn't have met online. Now, if I ever make it to New York, I have a friend that I can visit. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
    - piilani

  • I recently located my college roommate after 20 years. We are really enjoying playing backgammon. We are learning more about each other chatting back and forth [within the games] than we did when we lived together! Thank You!
    - BrendaSue163

  • All I have to do to get to your site is ply my sister's hands off the keyboard and push her off the chair! When I get my own computer, I will live at your wonderful site the way SHE does! Thank you for the site-- we have met some wonderful real live people here and some truly great opponents.
    - Doa

  • You guys are amazing! With all the thousands of games going on, I really didn't think you would be able to intercede in one little game...Very, very impressive! I felt badly that my opponent had made a mistake, and wouldn't have wanted to take advantage of the situation.

    Many thanks for your expert assistance and particularly for your care, concern and capacity to correct a problem such as ours.
    - HerbieJoe

  • I've been using your site for about a week and am having a blast! It's great to be able to play these games when I have time and not have to worry about finishing a game before doing other things in my life and work.
    - MrBruno

  • I'll never forgive you lovely people for putting such an addctive game on the Web. Come feed me before I starve to death. Also, the repartee between players is some of the funniest they or I have ever written. It's brought back the lost art of letter writing.

  • This is without a doubt the best site on the web. I love this place.
    - Phil Robertshaw

  • I have never gone back to Yahoo since joining in July, 1999 [email received Feb 2000]. I got tired of getting knocked out of the room at Yahoo.

    My brother was a Yahoo addict and it took about two weeks to get him to come over to your game site. He was so convinced that Yahoo was the best there is. I knew once he signed up with IYT that he would quickly become hooked as I did. Now, I don't know if he still plays at Yahoo. I figure he probably does, but I know that he's completed more games than me at IYT so I know he loves your site as I do. Good work guys!
    - Jim of Las Vegas

  • I have made some very nice friends here. I love this site!
    - Dewbabie_

  • I was introduced to in February [1999] and I have to say that at least a good 30-35 hours a week is spent here. THANK YOU for such an excellent site!!!!!
    - Lion_Wolf

  • I love your website. I have made some great friends here and most importantly I met the man of my dreams. I am moving to Arizona on the first of Novemeber. We are very much in love and this is one of those success stories.
    - Shell Renee'

  • This is undoubtedly the best game site I have been to! The set up is awesome, unlike Yahoo, or Netscape. I have gotten my friends to sign up (at least 8) and they love it! Great job staff!
    - Twinduo

  • I just wanted to let you know that I can no longer log online without checking into your site. I am so addicted to these games that I forget half the time why I logged on. I cannot wait to be involved in my first tournament! Thanks for keeping up such a great site!
    - Witchy

  • Thanks a lot to all those who work at ItsYourTurn, this would have to be without a doubt the best webpage I've ever been to, and all the friends I tell think so too! Thanks for a great site!
    - Nitrus

  • It would be safe to say that I spend at least 50% of my time surfing SOMEWHERE on your site. You've given me yet another reason to call ItsYourTurn the BEST game site on the web. Thank you for HOURS of entertainment.
    - Rip Washington

  • My wife and I are on web tv and this is the only site we have found that allows us to play with real people from all over the world. Our eyes have been opened and at last we see so many varying viewpoints on a vast range of subjects, and we even get to have fun playing a good game of gammon! As for your customer services, you have FAR, FAR, exceeded any expectations we have. I have emailed you several times in the past with rookie questions and always received a very quick and polite response. Thanks again, and hats off to the entire staff at IYT!
    - abba56

  • Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE THIS PLACE!! Became addicted the very first day. I like the tournament format especially. Can't wait for the coming attractions! Sending your URL to everyone I know!
    - Will69

  • I just wanted to say this is the best games site on the net. I tried Yahoo but it just wasn't the same level. I love the tournament format. Also, all my problems have been cleared quickly, so i want to thank the IYT staff a lot. Thanx!!
    - Arjun Rao

  • Your web site is brilliant! I really enjoy playing board-games over the Internet. Sometimes I find myself enjoying a game a little too much. This is one of the best web sites I've ever come across.
    - Gecko

  • Finally, I'd just like to say THANK YOU for having the best site on the net! Since joining, I've taken every opportunity to tell everyone I know about your site... when in chatrooms, forums, regular correspondence, you name it... I make sure I give out your URL. This is what the Internet is all about. Having fun and making new friends. I hope you continue to expand your user base and run for many years. Well done!
    - Grandmonster

  • I want to thank you for starting 'It's Your Turn'. I am so addicted to this game site, it is the only place I go on the internet anymore. I have met a lot of nice people here and it is nice to jot off a note to someone you play on a regular basis. Thanks again!
    - Becke

  • You people are just fabulous. May I bake you some cookies or something?
    - Pilar

  • Thanks for being such a great site! I recommended it to a very old (96) friend and not only does he now play chess and chess variants, chinese chess but also even backgammon and battleboats +. Takes away some of his loneliness. For myself I try to keep about 20 -50 games going at a time and it's wonderful meeting people from all over the globe.
    - El Ganador

  • Does anyone know where I can get some therapy as I am totally addicted to this site. I never thought I could get so much pleasure out of a game of checkers but I am totally hooked. I have tried the rest but this is the best. Thanks for a really great site.
    - ralger

  • I just couldn't resist writing to you folks to tell you what a great site you have created. I joined only twelve days ago, and I have been astonished by the site's capabilities of bringing users from all over the world to play games that would never have been otherwise played. What a great site!
    - Gene Bodnar

  • 2I love your website, and this is a website I feel is good and safe for my kids to be on. I have met some extremely nice people on this site and my son has met someone near where my mom lives in Virginia who we hope we get to meet some time. I plan on always being a member on this site. I'm even going to get a laptop just so I can go onto this site when we travel.
    - Dreamweaver

  • Ok, you've done it, I'm hooked! I've told all my friends about your site and I spend at least 2 hours a day here. Thank you for making such a great place to hang out!
    - << karma >>T

  • I have been a member of your site for almost 2 days now and have had more fun in those 2 days than all the on-line time I've spent. This is such a good place. Thanks.
    - emptydog

  • This has to be the best web site I have ever been to while surfing the net! Fabulous job staff!
    - D-dogg85

  • I've never been the type to spend a lot of time in the internet. Let me tell you something. I love playing games. I ran accross ItsYour by accident, and I'm glad I did. You guys are the best. Keep it up. This is awesome.
    - JJM18

  • Thank you for your prompt and very helpful answers to my problem this past week. Everything is up and running correctly now.
    - Jeannie Dahl

  • I really think you're the best thing that ever happened for playing games on the net. Been there, done that, but nothing even comes close to you guys.
    - FOG

  • I have become addicted to your site... Happy to report, I regained access to the BEST site on the WEB...
    - penske

  • Great site! This is the only games site I could find that doesn't need Java, or downloads that need Windows 95. I can run this site with Win3.1 and I think that is great!
    - Bryan

  • I just want to thank you for the best web site on the internet. I've made a lot of new friends from all over the world, let alone playing all my relatives. You people are doing a great job!
    - Chet

  • This site is way too addictive. I have 16 games going, and easily could spend all day on it, responding to moves as they come in. Soon there will be IYTA chapters springing up all over the place (ItsYourTurn Anonymous).
    - Bob Harrison

  • Thank you for posting this website. This is the best one on the Internet... This is a great benefit to people who love the game and gives us a chance to meet friendly people. Your hard work is much appreciated!
    - Michael Hannan

  • I would like to let you know how thoroughly 100% satisfied I am with the service you offer. It is just mind boggling that you can do this at no charge to the players. I am having a blast and meeting wonderful and interesting people. To the people of, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
    - artw

  • I jus' wanted let ya know, that me and my friends are havin' an absolute BALL here at your GREAT site. WOO HOO !!!
    - Barnald

  • I've realy become addicted to your web site, and I tell every one I meet about it. I've even picked up a wall map of the world so I could use pins to mark where all my oponents live all over the world.
    - RudeDog

  • This is absolutely a great site! I can't say enough about it. I'm having so much fun.
    - Rhodena Carlyle

  • I'm very impressed with all the features. I had never bothered to try out a game site because all the other ones I know of require at least Windows '95. I'm running on 3.1. You all should use that advantage in your marketing.
    - Bristol Jones

  • I wanted to tell you I think that It's Your Turn is the best game site I have found and is the main reason I go online.
    - dremwever7

  • I must be becoming addicted. I'm playing on even before reading the Sunday paper this morning... I am having so much fun playing my five games on your network that I am neglecting a serious game against my German opponent [by email]... Hey, but it's easier to play via
    - Marvin Sopko

  • Once again, thanks for all the fun on your wonderful site. We have never had this much fun on a web site.
    - Robert Burns

  • Just a note to say thank you for providing such a well-organized and fun site.
    - Rosered

  • This is by far the best WebTV game site on the web by the way. Thank you for the joy of playing at your site.

  • I searched the internet for three days, looking for a freeware or almost free email chess program and nothing seemed to meet my needs, effectively. When I happenned upon your site my needs were satisfied. Thank you!
    - Darryl Meissner

  • I just got done taking my turn at a game of Pente and thought I'd take the time to let you know what a fabulous web site you have here. I love to play pente but didn't have anyone to play the game with for the past 15 years. Now I can play to my hearts content with people all over the world!

    The way you have set up the site to be friendly to all browsers is truely an example of genius. I can't think of any way that you can improve the set up. It's perfect in my opinion. The only way to grow is to add new games. Keep up the great job you all.
    - Charlie Wallace

  • I play 1.5 hours a day most of the time
    - Lance M.

  • This is a great site, I love playing games with people all over the world, keep up the good work.
    - Doug Hughes

  • Great site with great games!
    - Remko

  • this is a great place you have created -- it is so easy to play chess on your site -- keep up the good work.
    - ytexan

  • I wish to compliment you on this site and the work you have done to maintain it.
    - Jack Metcalf

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