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Setting Up Game Boards
How to set up the boards for Battleboats, Screen Chess and Sabotage games

  • read: How to Get to the Edit Boards Screen
  • read: Placing Pieces on the Game Board
  • read: Saving Game Boards
  • read: Loading and Deleting Saved Game Boards
  • read: Random Placement and Removing Pieces

How to Get to the Edit Boards Screen There are several different ways to view the page where you set up pieces for a new game:

  • Look under 'Account' in the left-side menu column and click 'Edit game boards.'
  • Click on a game in the Waiting Room, or click a new game on your Game Status page.
  • Start a new game and place it in the Waiting Room. (Exception: When Battleboats games are posted to the Waiting Room, ships are always placed automatically. But when Battleboats games are started by invitation or in tournaments, then you may place your ships yourself.)

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Placing Pieces on the Game Board When you start a Battleboats, Sabotage, or Screen Chess game, you will see a screen where you will set up your pieces before the game starts. These help pages will show you how to do this. Our examples are for Battleboats, but you will place pieces for other games the same way.

First, you must choose a piece to place on the board. To do this, click the button next to the piece you want to place, as shown in this picture:

Next, choose the row and the column where the piece will be placed on the game board. For example, if you want to place the ship at point '2C', click the button next to the '2,' then click the button next to the 'C.'

Finally, click Add to place the piece on the game board. For Battleboats, you must click 'Add Across' to place the ship horizontally, extending to the right of the point you chose on the board; or 'Add Down' to place the ship vertically, extending downward. If there is not room to place the ship on the board, your boat placement will be ignored, and you will have to place it again.

In our Battleboats example, there is only room to place the piece horizontally, so you will click 'Add Across.'

A new page will appear showing the piece in its position. Notice that the placement starts at the square chosen, and then extends across from that square.

If you decide you want to remove this piece, you can click its row (2) and column (C) and click 'Remove.' A new page will appear showing the piece removed from the board.

When you are finished placing all your pieces, you must click 'Apply this board to the game in progress' to place the game board into the game.

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Saving Game Boards When you have placed all your pieces on the board, you may save it by clicking the link 'List, Load, Save, or Delete game boards.' (If you want to save the board, you must save it before you apply it to the game in progress. After you have applied it, you can not save it.)

You will then see a page with a list of empty 'slots' where you can save a board. To save the board you have just been working on, click the button next to an empty slot. Then type a name for the board and click 'Save.'

You can save up to 20 different game boards for each game type. You can even save incomplete game boards and finish setting them up later.

After you have saved the game board, you must return to the 'Edit boards' screen to apply the board to the game in progress.
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Loading and Deleting Saved Game Boards If you have just opened a new game where pieces need to be placed, you can use one of your saved game boards. Click 'List, Load, Save or Delete game boards.' You will then see a list of your saved game boards. Click the button next to a board, then click 'Load.'

You will then see this game board. Click 'Apply this board to the game in progress.'

To delete a board that you have saved, click the button next to it, then click 'Delete.'
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Random Placement and Removing Pieces On the edit screen, there are also options to place pieces on the game board randomly. These can help you speed up the placement process. If you choose a random placement of pieces and you want to modify it slightly, you can remove some pieces and place them again. Also, you may click the option to remove all your pieces.

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