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Sometimes called Othello, the object is to flip your opponent's pieces over to your color by flanking them with your pieces. Basic reversi (RX) and its variations--Reversi 10x10 (R1), Blackhole Reversi (RH), Anti-Reversi (RA), Blackhole Reversi 10x10 (RI), Anti-Reversi 10x10 (RB), Reversi 6x6 (R6), Anti-Reversi 6x6 (RC), and Ataxx (AX) --are explained.

  • read: How to Play Reversi
  • read: Starting a Reversi Game on
  • read: Making your Move in Reversi on
  • read: Reversi 10x10 (R1)
  • read: Blackhole Reversi (RH)
  • read: Anti-Reversi (RA)
  • read: Blackhole Reversi 10x10 (RI)
  • read: Anti-Reversi 10x10 (RB)
  • read: Reversi 6x6 (R6) and Anti-Reversi 6x6 (RC)
  • read: Ataxx (AX)
  • read: Hexversi (HR)

How to Play Reversi Each reversi piece has a black side and a white side. On your turn, you place one piece on the board with your color facing up. You must place the piece so that an opponent's piece, or a row of opponent's pieces, is flanked by your pieces. All of the opponent's pieces between your pieces are then turned over to become your color.

For example, suppose you are White, and there is a row of black pieces with one white piece on its end.

You can place a white piece on the other end of the black row and capture the black pieces.

The object of the game is to own more pieces than your opponent when the game is over. The game is over when neither player has a move. Usually, this means the board is full.

You can capture vertical, horizontal, and diagonal rows of pieces. Also, you can capture more than one row at once. In the picture below, if white places a piece where the red arrow is pointing, then all the black pieces in the three rows indicated by red lines will be captured.

Beware! Taking as many of your opponent's pieces as you can in one move is not always a good idea.

Remember, you must place a piece so that it captures opponent's pieces. You can not place it anywhere you want on the board.
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Starting a Reversi Game on To learn how to start a game of reversi, go to our help menu and select How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game.

When you and an opponent are in a game, the game is listed on your game status page. Click your opponent's name to view the game board. At the start of the game, the board is always set up with 4 pieces already placed. The 4 darker squares designate positions that are strategically important.

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Making your Move in Reversi on After you and an opponent have joined a game of reversi (see How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game on our help menu) you may go to it any time by clicking your opponent's name as it appears on your game status page.

If it is your turn, when you see the game board a blue outline is shown around the pieces that were changed in your opponent's last move. To make your move, click a space where you want to place a piece. You must place a piece where it will capture one or more of your opponent's pieces. A new page will load showing your new piece on the board and the captured pieces turned to your color.

Then, you must click one of the 'Submit' buttons at the bottom of the page to submit your move. If you don't want to submit it and you want to make a different move, click 'Take back the move.'
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Reversi 10x10 (R1) This variation of reversi is played on a board with 10 squares across and down instead of the normal 8. You have more room in which to develop deeper strategies.
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Blackhole Reversi (RH) In this variation, one randomly chosen square is removed from the board. You can not place a piece in the hole, and any pieces next to the hole can not be flanked by pieces placed on the opposite side of the hole.

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Anti-Reversi (RA) In this variation, you try to own fewer pieces than your opponent when the game is over.
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Blackhole Reversi 10x10 (RI) This is Blackhole Reversi played on a board that has 10 squares across and down instead of the usual 8.
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Anti-Reversi 10x10 (RB) This is Anti-Reversi played on a board that has 10 squares across and down instead of the normal 8.
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Reversi 6x6 (R6) and Anti-Reversi 6x6 (RC) These are reversi variations with smaller boards. The rules are the same as for Reversi and Anti-Reversi described above.
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Ataxx (AX) Object
The object of Ataxx is to cover more spaces with your pieces than your opponent when all the empty spaces on the board are filled (like Reversi). Alternately, if you lose all your pieces before the board gets filled up, you lose the game.

Ataxx is played on a 7x7 board. At the beginning of the game, two pieces of each color occupy opposite corners of the board.

On your turn, you can either MOVE a piece or PLACE a piece. Additionally, wherever you move or place a piece, all opponent pieces in the squares next to yours (straight or diagonal) will be flipped to your color.

How to PLACE a piece
You can place one of your pieces on any empty square, as long as you have an existing piece in one of the squares next to it. The red dots in the picture below show the squares where black can place a piece. When you place a piece, the piece is ADDED to the board. The second picture below shows a black piece placed in one of the empty squares, and black now has 3 pieces on the board instead of 2.


How to MOVE a piece
You can move your piece to any empty spot two squares away, jumping over any friendly or enemy pieces that might be in the way. In the two pictures below, the red dots show the legal moves for each of the two black pieces on the board.


The picture below shows black making one of his legal moves.

Flipping pieces
Regardless of whether you move or place a piece, any enemy piece next to yours in all 8 directions is flipped over to your color.

Winning the game
When all the spaces have been filled, the person with the most pieces showing in his color wins the game. If a player loses all his pieces, he loses immediately even if all the squares have not been filled. If a player cannot make a legal move, his opponent gets to keep moving until the first player is able to make a move again (this is similar to Reversi).

Example 1: Placing a Piece
The two pictures below give a more detailed example of placing a piece. The first picture shows the board before the move is made. In the second picture, Black makes a move (shown by the red circle), and flips the 4 enemy pieces marked by red dots. This move is legal because black originally had a piece in the corner, so he is allowed to place a piece next to his existing piece.


Example 2: Moving a Piece
The two pictures below show how to move a piece. In the first picture, the red dots show the legal moves for the circled white piece. In the second picture, the move has been made, and the enemy pieces next to the moved piece are flipped over to the player's color (which is white). These pieces are marked by red dots in the second picture.


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Hexversi (HR) Hexversi is reversi played on a hex board with 6 spaces per side.

A few differences from regular reversi include:
  • a dead spot in the very center of the board
  • a hex board means that each space controls 6 directions instead of 8
  • there are now six corners instead of 4, so losing a single corner does not affect this game as much as regular reversi
  • 8 pieces are set up at the beginning of the game, which along with the new shape leads to more varied openings than a square board

These differences from regular reversi means that the strategy will change dramatically. If you're looking for a new reversi challenge, this is it!

Everything else is the same as regular reversi (see the rules above if you need a reversi refresher). The person with the most pieces on the board at the end of the game wins.

We hope you'll enjoy this game. As far as we know, we are the first game site to develop this game.
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