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Battleboats and Battleboats Plus
Battleboats (TX) is the great naval search and destroy game you may know as Battleship. Battleboats Plus (T+) is a faster variation which gives you more shots per turn, and Dark Battleboats Plus (TD) is a version where you don't see which ships you've sunk. Anchors away!

  • read: How to Play Battleboats
  • read: Setup
  • read: Battleboats Plus (T+)
  • read: Dark Battleboats Plus (TD)
  • read: Battleboats Plus Double Decoy (TY)
  • read: Dark Battleboats Plus Double Decoy (TE)
  • read: Starting Battleboats Games on
  • read: Making Moves in Battleboats on
  • read: In Battleboats and Battleboats Plus, I placed my ships but it still says I need to place my ships.
  • read: I made my shots in Battleboats Plus but I do not see the 'Submit' buttons. Why?

How to Play Battleboats In Battleboats, you and your opponent each have a board which holds five ships. You don't know where each other's ships are. On each turn you fire a shot at your opponent's board and hope you hit one of his or her ships. After you submit your move, if you hit your opponent's ship, you will see an orange explosion on the board. If you missed, then you will see a splash.

You sink a ship if you hit all of its sections with your shots. The size of the ships varies from 2 to 5 sections. You and your opponent each have one air craft carrier of 5 sections, one destroyer of 4 sections, 2 cruisers of 3 sections each, and one patrol boat of 2 sections. You win the game if you sink all of your opponent's ships first.

Your opponent's board, where you place your shots, always appears on top. Your own board, where your opponent is shooting at your ships, is on the bottom.

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Setup Depending on how you start a game of Battleboats, you may or may not have to set up your ships. If you start a game and place it in the waiting room, you and your opponent each are given a random placement of ships which you can not change.

If you invite another player to a game of battleboats, or are playing in a tournament, then you and your opponent will be given a random placement of ships. But you can remove these ships and place them in different positions yourself if you want to. When you first click on your opponent's name as it appears on your game status page, you will see a screen that looks like the picture below that asks if you want to use this random placement of ships, or place the ships yourself.

The red arrows show where you would click to apply the board to the game in progress; to remove all ships so that you can place them again; and to remove all ships and make another random placement, We recommend that you also read our detailed additional help on
setting up battleboats pieces.

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Battleboats Plus (T+) Battleboats Plus is just like Battleboats except that in one turn, you get to fire one shot for every ship you have that is not sunk. So, at the start of the game, you can make 5 shots. You do not see whether any of your shots hit until after you have submitted your move.

This game moves much faster than regular Battleboats. There is also more strategy in choosing your search pattern.

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Dark Battleboats Plus (TD) Dark Battleboats Plus is just like Battleboats Plus except you do not see which ships you've sunk, and you receive a fixed 3 shots per move. You will still see explosions when you hit a ship.

This results in a much longer and uncertain game. You never know exactly which ships you've sunk until the very last winning move.
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Battleboats Plus Double Decoy (TY)
This game is played like Battleboats Plus, except that you are given two additional 1-unit ships called 'decoys' (pictured above). These ships are mainly used to confuse your opponent, and they do not need to be hit in order to win the game. You get two of them in this game, and they can be placed close together or far apart.

The best way to use the decoys is to place them away from your ships so that if one gets hit, your opponent will waste shots assuming that a real ship has been hit.
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Dark Battleboats Plus Double Decoy (TE) This game is identical to Dark Battleboats Plus, with the addition of 2 decoys. Read the Double Decoy rules above for a description of what decoys are and how they are used.
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Starting Battleboats Games on To learn how to start a game of Battleboats, go to our help menu and select How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game.

When you and an opponent are in a game, the game is listed on your game status page. Click your opponent's name to view the game board.

In your first move, you might have to set up your game pieces. If you need help setting up your pieces, you can visit our special instructions on setting up pieces.
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Making Moves in Battleboats on After a game of Battleboats is created (see How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game on our help menu) you may go to it any time by clicking your opponent's name as it appears on your game status page.

For your first move, you might have to set up the pieces. For help with this, you can visit our special instructions on setting up pieces.

After you and your opponent have set up the pieces, you will begin normal game play. Click your opponent's name on your game status page to view the game board in its current state. If it is your turn, you will see blue outlines on your board (the bottom board) where your opponent last fired his or her shots.

To begin your move, click once on your opponent's board (the top board) where you want to fire your shot. A new page will load showing an outline around that shot. (If you are playing Battleboats Plus, you will continue to fire shots until you have no more left.) Several Submit buttons appear beneath the board. You must click a submit button to finish your move.

If you click the plain 'Submit' button, you will then see the game board again showing the results of your shots--whether you hit or missed.
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In Battleboats and Battleboats Plus, I placed my ships but it still says I need to place my ships. When you place your final battleship on the board, the next screen has a button at the top that says Apply This Board. You must click that link to put your ships into the game and pass the turn to your opponent.
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I made my shots in Battleboats Plus but I do not see the 'Submit' buttons. Why? In Battleboats Plus, you get one shot per each of your ships that is not sunk. So, if you took one shot and you do not see the 'Submit' buttons, then you probably need to make the rest of your shots. When you have taken all of your shots, you should see the 'Submit' buttons.

Even when it is your last turn of the game and you know you are sinking your opponent's last ship with just one shot, you need to take all of your available shots in that turn before you see the 'Submit' buttons.
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