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You might know this one as Connect Four. Stack pieces and try to get four in a row. Basic Stack4 (4X) and variations--Connectris (4C), Stack 4X4 (44), Connectris 4x4 (4D), Stack4 10x10 (4T), and Anti-Stack4 (4A)--are explained.

  • read: Stack4 (4X)
  • read: Connectris (4C)
  • read: Stack 4X4 (44)
  • read: Anti-Stack4 (4A)
  • read: Connectris 4x4 (4D)
  • read: Stack4 10x10 (4T)
  • read: How to start Stack 4 games on
  • read: How to Make Your Move in Stack4 or one of its variations on

Stack4 (4X) In Stack4, you try to place four or more pieces in a row, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. You must stack your pieces on top of other pieces on the board, or put them on the bottom row. The picture below shows a Stack4 game in progress where Green has the next move. To make the move, he would click on a square where he wants to put the piece. The red dots show where he may place his piece.

If the board is filled with pieces and neither player has 4 in a row, then the game is a draw.
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Connectris (4C) Connectris is like Stack4 with one difference: when the bottom row is filled, that row disappears and all other pieces move down one row. This idea comes from the computer game Tetris.

In the pictures below, if purple places a piece where the red arrow is pointing, the bottom row is then erased, and the other pieces move down.

Exception: If a player completes her line of 4 pieces by placing a piece in the last available space on the bottom row, then the bottom row does not disappear. Instead, that player wins.
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Stack 4X4 (44) Stack 4X4 is like Stack4, but you can place a piece along any of the four edges of the board; or you can put it wherever it becomes part of a solid horizontal or vertical line of pieces extending all the way to any of the four edges. The object is to put 4 or more of your pieces in a row.

This pictures show a Stack 4X4 game in progress. Green has the next move, and she can put her piece in any of the spaces with a red dot.

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Anti-Stack4 (4A) This is like regular Stack4, but the object is to make your opponent be the first to connect four or more pieces in a row. Note these differences from regular Stack4:

  • You can not place a piece on top of the piece your opponent just placed on the board in the previous move.
  • However, if only one column is left on the board, then both players are able to place pieces in that column, even if they place a piece on top of where the opponent just moved.

If the board fills up with pieces and nobody has put four in a row, then Purple wins. This is because purple has a disadvantage as the first to move.
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Connectris 4x4 (4D) Connectris 4x4 is a mix between Stack 4x4 and Connectris. Whenever a move fills an entire edge on the board, that edge disappears, and all the other pieces are shifted down towards that edge.

For example, if the entire top row of the board gets filled, then the entire top row would disappear, and all the remaining pieces would move UP one spot. If the left or right side gets filled, then all the remaining pieces would move left or right one spot. Any move that results in 4 in a row wins the game immediately, even if it fills up a row.

If two rows are filled up at the same time, then only one row of pieces disappears. See the illustration below to see the order in which rows disappear. The order of priority are Bottom, Left, Top, and Right (the 1 row would disappear first, followed by 2, 3, and 4). This only applies when two rows are filled at the same time. If only one row is filled, then only that row disappears.

In the example above, if either player puts a piece in the circled spot, then the '1' row (the bottom row) would disappear. All other pieces slide down one spot, including the pieces on the right side (the '4' row).
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Stack4 10x10 (4T) Stack4 10x10 is played exactly the same as Stack4 (see rules above), but on a larger 10x10 board instead of the regular 8x8 board.
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How to start Stack 4 games on To learn how to start a game of Stack 4 or one of their variations, go to our help menu and select How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game.

When you and an opponent are in a game, the game is listed on your game status page. Click your opponent's name to view the game board. Purple has the first move. See the next question to learn how to make a move.
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How to Make Your Move in Stack4 or one of its variations on After you and an opponent have joined a game of Stack4 or one of its variations (see How to Start a Game or How to Join a Game on our help menu) you may go to it any time by clicking your opponent's name as it appears on your game status page.

If it is your turn, when you see the game board a blue outline will be around the piece that was placed in your opponent's last move. To make your move, click a square where you want to place your piece.

Remember, in Stack4, Connectris, and Anti-Stack 4, you must place a piece on the lowest emtpy space in a column. It must rest on the bottom row, or on a stack of pieces. In Stack 4X4, you must place a piece on the outer edge of the gameboard, or where it is part of a line of pieces extending all the way to any of the four sides of the game board.

After you have clicked on a square to place your piece, a new page will appear showing the new piece on the board. Then, you must click one of the 'Submit' buttons at the bottom of the page to submit your move. If you don't want to submit it and you want to make a different move, you may click 'Take back the move.'
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